Listed below are the twenty talismans and Black Pullet rings with their descriptions in English, Polisch and German. Poniżej wymieniono dwadzieścia talizmanów i pierścieni Black Pullet z ich opisami w języku angielskim, polskim i niemieckim. Nachfolgend sind die zwanzig Talismane und Black Pullet-Ringe mit ihren Beschreibungen in Englisch, Polisch und Deutsch aufgeführt. The Black Pullet (La Poule noire) The author and the name of Grimoire are known under this name, and he intends to teach "the science of magic talismans and rings", including the arts of necromancy and Kabbalah. The books are believed to have been written in the 18th century by an anonymous French officer who served in Napoleon's army. During his peregrinations in Egypt, he learns the secrets of the manuscripts saved from the burned library of Alexandria. He manages to recreate a set of 20 amulets, rings and spells on the basis of ancient messages. Czarna Kura (the Black Pullet, la poule noire...